Post Two

After receiving some initial feedback from friends and family, I thought I'd use post two to explain a little bit more about the purpose of this blog.

This blog is not something I plan to turn into a career/money source. I have a full-time job in the healthcare industry. While I do not love my current position/company culture, I do love and am very passionate about the career path I have chosen.

I have read blogs for years, but have never really found one I really connected with. So many of the blogs I read seem to have such unattainable lifestyles. I don't have endless amounts of money or a job that allows me to just pick up and leave for a vacation, I don't have a big, thriving friend group... I have a broken heart, a box of pizza, and my good friend Vino.

Through this blog, I hope to share the reality of life and help others who are struggling know that they are not alone and I am here to listen or talk if they need. I want to show the good, the bad, and the ugly. In a world of social media, so many people show the filtered, happiest moments of their life. And to be honest, as someone who is currently struggling and spend many nights crying myself to sleep, it is really hard to scroll through that day after day after day.

Although I wrote many papers and literature reviews in college, I am not a "writer". My degree is not in journalism or communications. I can hardly remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone sentence structures, grammatically correct sentences, etc. from 7th grade, so please be kind. 

I hope you all will continue to read, I promise these posts will get better. I'm still new and learning!

(And yes... I DO know the difference between macaroons and macarons)


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